Welcome to the matchmaking platform!
Update: Stage 1 of the DUT Call 2024 (pre-proposal submission deadline) closed on 14 November. However, you can still register on this matchmaking platform to stay informed and receive an invitation to participate on the matchmaking platform for the DUT Call 2025.
The Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership invites you to participate in the matchmaking platform for the DUT Call 2024.
On this platform you can:
- discuss and refine your project ideas with potential partners
- build collaborations and join consortia
Here is how to get started:
1) Registration
Register via the Register button.
In your profile indicate:
- The call topics your interested in (here called Areas of Activitiy)
- If you are part of a consortium looking for partners or a partner looking for a consortium.
Create a clear and concise profile to raise your visibility on the b2match platform. Your profile should describe who you are, what you can offer to potential partners, and who you want to meet. A good profile will generate significantly more meeting requests.
Browse profiles of attendees
Go to Participants to find partners to collaborate with.
To matchmake you can request meetings with other participants. See further instructions in the "matchmaking meetings" tab.
3) Publish a cooperation opportunity
You can add a cooperation opportunity if you have a specific project that you are interested in finding partners to.
Describe your project idea, aim, expertise & type of partner sought.
You can also browse cooperation opportunities published by others.