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Matchmaking Platform for DUT Call 2024
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Open until 24 April 2025

About DUT Call 2024

This is the third Call of the Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership, funded by the European Commission within the Horizon Europe Partnership framework.

The purpose of this call for proposals is to support transnational research and/or innovation projects addressing urban challenges to help cities in their transition towards a more sustainable economy and functioning. 

Go to the DUT website for the most updated information about the DUT Call 2024.

This third Call aims to create or reinforce a portfolio of R&I projects that address issues and challenges identified in one of the three Transition Pathways (TPs): Circular Urban Economies, the 15-minute City and Positive Energy Districts.

Find out more about the call, including the call topics, timeline, and requirements here.

Call Topics

Circular Urban Economies (CUE)

CUE topic 1: Creating a new paradigm for urban water cycles​

CUE topic 2: Circular models for regenerating, repurposing, protecting and conserving urban space for biodiversity​

CUE topic 3: Multi-city strategies for circular urban economy monitoring and management

15-minute City (15mC)

15mC topic 1: Advancing urban mobility: innovations for inclusive and youth-centric mobility systems​

15mC topic 2: Reconsidering urban mobility systems: towards system innovation and proximity policies for sustainable city regions​

15mC topic 3: Evidence for the urban mobility transition – data and indicators for effective decision-making​

Positive Energy Districs (PED)

PED topic 1: Local PEDs in a multi-level perspective​

​PED topic 2: Towards the climate-neutral city: PEDs, system integration and urban strategies​

​PED topic 3: Managing the urban energy transition: data management and decision support systems​

    Organised by
    Participants 1396
    Meetings 120
    Türkiye 208
    United Kingdom 173
    Spain 151
    Italy 143
    Sweden 131
    Germany 130
    Netherlands 125
    Portugal 125
    Belgium 114
    Austria 105
    France 103
    Norway 69
    Switzerland 60
    Poland 56
    Greece 55
    Romania 49
    Denmark 49
    South Korea 43
    Finland 41
    Czech Republic 25
    Hungary 21
    Latvia 18
    Brazil 16
    Lithuania 15
    Estonia 13
    Slovenia 13
    Bulgaria 11
    Japan 7
    Canada 6
    Croatia 6
    Australia 5
    North Macedonia 5
    Slovakia 4
    South Africa 3
    Ethiopia 3
    Taiwan 3
    India 3
    United States 3
    Serbia 2
    Israel 2
    Ukraine 2
    China 1
    Bangladesh 1
    Ecuador 1
    Kenya 1
    Egypt 1
    Liechtenstein 1
    Reunion 1
    Ireland 1
    New Zealand 1
    Tanzania, United Republic Of 1
    Mozambique 1
    Bahrain 1
    Iceland 1
    Tunisia 1
    Albania 1
    Total 2131
    Profile views
    Total 24362